Contact Information |
Instructor: | James Riely |
Home Page: | |
Email: | [email protected] |
Phone: | 1.312.362.5251 |
Address: | School of Computing, DePaul University |
243 South Wabash Avenue | |
Chicago, IL 60604-2301 | |
Office: | CDM 845 |
Office Hours: | Tue 3:00pm-5:00pm in CDM 845 |
Class Page: | |
Class Hours: | Tue/Thu 1:30pm-3:00pm in CDM 226 [Section 601] |
Mailing List |
We will use Piazza for discussion:
You must subscribe to the course discussion forum on google groups. Do it as soon as possible.
There are separate forums for the CSC300 and CSC402
Replyrather than
Reply All.
thank youmessages to the group.
The discussion forum is an extension our time in class. This is particularly great for students that miss the live lecture. If you are watching the class online, you should write down any questions that arise, including the time from the recording for reference. Then send the list of questions to me, and I will post a reply to the group.
I will also use Teamviewer for communication. With teamviewer, you can show me your computer screen while we talk over the phone.
Overview |
Fundamentals of design and implementation for graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Students design a GUI-based application following the user-centered design process and implement it using the Model-View-Controller architecture. Topics include usability engineering, event dispatching, multi-threaded programming, GUI widget toolkits, frameworks and customization.
Objectives |
Lecture Plan |
The following lecture plan is tentative and subject to change as the course progresses.
Lecture slides will be available after each lecture. They will not normally be available before the lecture.
Prerequisites |
Hard prereq: CSC301
Recommended: SE350 (patterns), CSC376 (distributed systems), CSC347 (programming languages).
Textbooks |
Get the first required book now. Wait a little for the rest.
Required Books
Beginning AngularJS [Amazon, AddAll]
by Andrew Grant (Apress, 2014)
More Books
Designed for Use: Create Usable Interfaces for Applications and the Web [Amazon, AddAll]
by Lukas Mathis (Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2011)
Even More Books
Head First HTML5 Programming: Building Web Apps with JavaScript [Amazon, AddAll]
by Eric Freeman and Elisabeth Robson (O'Reilly, 2011)
Expectations |
We will discuss concepts in class.
You will perform design and programming assignments.
You will need to be able to go through APIs without my instruction.
Attendance |
You must attend class!
Quizzes will most often be given at the beginning of class -- so show up on time.
Assessment |
Grades will be computed from the following:
DePaul's academic integrity policy
I will drop two lowest quizzes/homeworks.