Package algs11
Class MyFirstHomeworkFor300
This is a skeleton file for your homework. Edit the sections marked TODO. You
may also edit the function "main" to test your code.
You must not change the declaration of any method. This will be true of every
skeleton file I give you.
For example, you will get zero points if you change the line
public static int minPosition (double[] list) {to something like
public static double minPosition (double[] list) {or
public static int minPosition (double[] list, int i) {Each of the functions below is meant to be SELF CONTAINED. This means that you should use no other functions or classes. You should not use any HashSets or ArrayLists, or anything else! In addition, each of your functions should go through the argument array at most once. The only exception to this the java Math.abs. You can use the Math.abs function to compute the absolute value.
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic int
(double[] list) distanceBetweenMinAndMax returns difference between the minPosition and the maxPosition in an array of doubles.static void
A test program, using private helper functions.static void
static int
(double[] list) minPosition returns the position of the minimum value in an array of doubles.static double
(double[] list) minValue returns the minimum value in an array of doubles.
Constructor Details
public MyFirstHomeworkFor300()
Method Details
minValue returns the minimum value in an array of doubles. You can assume the array is nonempty and has no duplicates. Your solution must go through the array exactly once. Your solution must not call any other functions. Here are some examples (using "==" informally):-7 == minValue (new double[] { -7 }) 1 == minValue (new double[] { 1, 7, 8, 11 }) -7 == minValue (new double[] { 1, -4, -7, 7, 8, 11 }) -13 == minValue (new double[] { -13, -4, -7, 7, 8, 11 }) -13 == minValue (new double[] { 1, -4, -7, 7, 8, 11, -13 })
minPosition returns the position of the minimum value in an array of doubles. The first position in an array is 0 and the last is the array.length-1. You can assume the array is nonempty and has no duplicates. Your solution must go through the array exactly once. Your solution must not call any other functions. Here are some examples (using "==" informally):0 == minPosition(new double[] { -7 }) 2 == minPosition(new double[] { 1, -4, -7, 7, 8, 11 }) 0 == minPosition(new double[] { -13, -4, -7, 7, 8, 11 }) 6 == minPosition(new double[] { 1, -4, -7, 7, 8, 11, -9 })
distanceBetweenMinAndMax returns difference between the minPosition and the maxPosition in an array of doubles. You can assume the array is nonempty and has no duplicates. Your solution must go through the array exactly once. Your solution must not call any other functions. Here are some examples (using "==" informally):0 == distanceBetweenMinAndMax(new double[] { -7 }) // -7,-7 are the min and max 3 == distanceBetweenMinAndMax(new double[] { 1, -4, -7, 7, 8, 11 }), // -7,11 5 == distanceBetweenMinAndMax(new double[] { -13, -4, -7, 7, 8, 11 }) // -13,11 1 == distanceBetweenMinAndMax(new double[] { 1, -4, -7, 7, 8, 11, -9 }) // -9,11
A test program, using private helper functions. See below. To make typing tests a little easier, I've written a function to convert strings to arrays. See below. -