CSC300: Syllabus

Contents [0/14]

Video [1/14]
Course Overview [2/14]
Course Objectives [3/14]
Prerequisites [4/14]
The foundation of a CS education [5/14]
The curriculum [6/14]
Getting a job [7/14]
This class will be "lightly" flipped [8/14]
Assessment [9/14]
Course Homepage for Lectures [10/14]
Discussion Forum [11/14]
Contact Information [12/14]
Textbooks [13/14]
Policies [14/14]

(Click here for one slide per page)

Video [1/14]

There is no video for these slides. We will go over the material in class.

If you missed the class meeting, watch the recording on D2L:


Course Overview [2/14]

This is the first course in a two-course sequence on data structures using Java. The course introduces basic Java programming, reviews recursion, introduces asymptotic notations, and focuses mainly on linear data structures including arrays, linked lists and their variants, stacks and queues, and data structures supporting disjoint-set operations. The implementation of the basic operations on each data structure are discussed and analyzed in terms of their efficiency. The applications covered highlight and exploit the unique characteristics of the data structures, and emphasize problem solving and recursive thinking.

Course Objectives [3/14]

Programs are not just for computers: We use them to communicate to other people.


A data structure is a concrete implementation of an abstract type

Prerequisites [4/14]

A prior programming class, ideally in Python, C, or Java.

You should be familiar with:

The foundation of a CS education [5/14]


The curriculum [6/14]


Getting a job [7/14]

I recently received a request from a former student for qualified programmers:

I was volunteered to be part of a hiring team so have been spending lots of my time interviewing candidates, many of whom are not very talented. ... You should see these resumes. These guys have seven years of experience doing java web development, they list 80 java and web related acronyms on their resumes, and they can't write a method that prints the odd numbers from 1 to 100.

If you are doing an online screening interview and you paste 400 lines of code you found on Chegg or GeeksForGeeks, you are not getting the job!

This course will help you in your interviews.

This class will be "lightly" flipped [8/14]

In depth lectures are pre-recorded. Links are available in the slides for each lecture and on this Youtube Lecture Playlist.

Class meetings will be spent

Class meetings are recorded for access after class.

Class meetings may be shorted than the allocated class time

Activities each week:

Getting the homework correct is not enough. ChatGPT can do it for you!

You must be able to demonstrate understanding by repeating the exercise on paper.

Assessment [9/14]

All students are expected to abide by DePaul's academic integrity policy which prohibits cheating and other misconduct in student coursework. Publicly sharing or posting online any prior or current materials from this course (including exam questions or answers), is considered to be providing unauthorized assistance prohibited by the policy. Both students who share/post and students who access or use such materials are considered to be cheating under the Policy and will be subject to sanctions for violations of Academic Integrity.

Grades will be determined as follows.

You must pass the final exam in order to pass the course.

Course Homepage for Lectures [10/14]

Course homepage:

Discussion Forum [11/14]

We will use zoom for live discussion during class meetings. To join a meeting, use the link listed on the D2L calendar of events.

We will use discord as a discussion forum for class.

The discussion forum is an extension our time in class. This is particularly great for students that miss a class meeting. If you are watching the class online, you should write down any questions that arise, including the time from the recording for reference. Then send the list of questions to me, and I will post a reply to the group.

Contact Information [12/14]

Instructor:James Riely
Home Page:
Email:[email protected]
Address: School of Computing, DePaul University
243 South Wabash Avenue
Chicago, IL 60604-2301
Office:CDM 845
Office Hours: Tue 1:00pm-2:00pm in CDM 845 and
Class Page:
Class Hours: Tue/Thu 10:10am-11:40am in CDM 228

Textbooks [13/14]

If you are delayed in getting the texts, you can view them online at O'Reilly.

Required Books

Core Java SE 9 for the Impatient, 2nd Edition [Amazon, Indiebound]

by Cay Horstmann (Addison-Wesley, 2017)

Available as Ebook

(Online version)

Companion site.

Older edition is fine.

Algorithms 4e [Amazon, Indiebound]

by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne (Addison-Wesley, 2011)

Available as Ebook

(Online version)

(Author videos) These are also for sale as an Ebook

Companion site.

Do not get an older edition. They are completely different books.

Recommended Books

Schaum's Outline of Data Structures with Java 2e [Amazon, Indiebound]

by John Hubbard (Schuams, 2009)

This book is a good source of example problems with solutions.

Available as Ebook

More Books

How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

by Allen B. Downey.


An good introduction to Java.

Skip the GridWorld chapters, which are intended to help with the AP exam in CS.

See also these lecture notes from MIT. The first three lectures are particularly useful.

Java for Python Programmers

by Brad Miller.


See also here.

Introduction to Programming in Java (Chapter 1)

by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne


This is the first chapter of the introductory text written by the authors of our primary textbook.

It presents the same material as section 1.1 of the primary text, but at a slower pace.

Effective Java 3e [Amazon, Indiebound]

by Joshua Bloch (Addison-Wesley, 2008)

Available as Ebook

(Online version)

The algorithms text describes all of the Java that is required for the class. The discussion is terse, making it an excellent reference. If you would like a longer discussion of Java, you might want a supplementary text. In this case, you might consider one of the following.

Policies [14/14]

You must attend class!

Revised: 2024-03-23 14:51