Evaluation Comments
Course:Object-Oriented Software Development

Quarter:Spring 05/06
Time: W 17:45 - 21:00
Location: Loop Campus
James Riely PhD

Associate Professor
[email protected]
Instructor homepage

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Summary     1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       

What are the major strengths and weaknesses of the instructor?

1.   the instructor is knowledgeable of material but the course is not focused. Every class seams like a discusion.
2.   Did a great job explaining important concepts and providing examples as to why these concepts result in better designs. I really enjoyed the lectures.
4.   Like his energy, clarity, reviews material presented. Can tell that he is doing what he wants to be doing, which makes the topic easier to enjoy than it could be without the enthusiasm.Weeknesses - not many I could tell - maybe did not update website often enough with current schedule.
5.   Very good at the communication with students outside of course. I think the maillist is very helpful.
6.   Strength-knows his material. While he wants his students to do well, he controls your access to him if he feels it is unnecessary.
7.   Intructor is very up to date.Communicates with student excellently.But should encourage inclass exercise to know if the students understand what they are being taught.
8.   Professor’s knowledge of OO Programming, Programming Languages and Software Engineering in general is one of his major strengths.Ability to relate the material is another very important strength of Prof. Riely.

What aspects of this course were most beneficial to you?

2.   Explanation of design patterns and other development/design tips that make for better solutions
3.   design patterns
4.   This was the first course I have taken in OO design and I think it would have been better if I would have taken another design course first before jumping into this course, since I believe this course is more about improving designs.
6.   Like the simulation programming, it was fun to have a place to try ideas.
7.   Got to know about design principle and software best practices.
8.   Basics!

What do you suggest to improve this course?

1.   give code examples or make code examples available
2.   Allow for one additional week of project work on final project.
3.   more assignements
4.   The core of assignments were not closely related to the exam. There could be several assignments just with UML diagrams so we get practice for the exam. Comments on the style of the exams, including that written code would be needed.
6.   It was hard to know what you needed to know to a certain degree.
7.   The teaching method should be graduated from less tough to tough ones as the class progresses.More time should also be assigned for this course probably two quarter.One for lecture and Exams and the other for the project.
8.   This course is in two levels. Connection between the abstract level and low level is where most students get stuck, myself included.

Comment on the grading procedures and exams

4.   I would prefer more distribution (more chances to do well than a big final project/mid-term/final exam.
6.   He tried to help the students. Glad there was flex grading with midterm and final percentages depending on how you do. He is a very technical person, accuracy down to the letter, though a person may know the intent, he wanted exact answers.
7.   Fair and impartial

Other comments?

4.   Altough I seem to be able to understand the material when it's being presented, I do not have the experience to be apply it quickly and independantly in code. My first graduate class, so I need to get used to more indepentant work..
6.   Good course, worth taking.
7.   Lecturer is very current and up to date.
8.   I wish there was another course that would extend on this course, which would cover the same material in more depth, but only if taught by Dr. Riely.