Evaluation Comments
Course:Formal Semantics of Programming Languages

Quarter:Winter 05/06
Time: W 17:45 - 21:00
Location: Loop Campus
James Riely PhD

Associate Professor
[email protected]
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Summary     1       2       

What are the major strengths and weaknesses of the instructor?

1.   strength:depth of knowledgeweakness:don't know, he did pretty good

What aspects of this course were most beneficial to you?

1.   overall beneficial

What do you suggest to improve this course?

1.   the homework should be practice and preparation for the exams. the exam coverage, and depth, should be reviewed beforehand.
2.   the text book seems just a bit like undergrad books, it tries too hard

Comment on the grading procedures and exams

1.   don't know the grading procedures

Other comments?

1.   maybe these evaluations should be done directly after the final? maybe the day after?